
CNG Filling Station Gampern

RAG’s first public natural gas filling station opened in Gampern, near Vöcklabruck in Upper Austria, in 2014. This self-service, unstaffed facility is open around the clock every day of the year.

In the coming years further natural gas filling stations connected to RAG’s production and storage operations will be opened to the public.

For business customers, we also offer construction and operation of natural gas filling stations that allow your fleet to conveniently and economically refuel at your own site. Gas is reliably supplied from production in the region or our secure underground storage facilities.

The location of the Gampern natural gas filling station can be seen in the illustration on the left.


Coordinators of the Gampern CNG filling station:

13.573910 E, 48.016390 N
East: 13°34'26.1", North: 48°00'59.0"


Markus Eppich

T +43 (0) 676 9299881

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